SPECIAL To The Core | Revitalized Womanhood 1 YEAR ANNIVERSARY

SPECIAL To The Core | Revitalized Womanhood 1 YEAR ANNIVERSARY

Gina & Kelly together again for a very special episode of To The Core! Celebrating 1 YEAR OF THE REVITALIZED WOMANHOOD!

Gina; One year ago I was a stay-at-home mom that enjoyed traveling with her family.

In one year I have learned: How to create a podcast space and record almost 100 episodes. How to start a business. How to manage my time. How to create more time by prioritizing what actually makes me happy. How to read 12 books and create monthly discussions and challenges that allign with their topics. How to be a hype-girl to over 40 women who started as complete strangers and became instant sisters. How to juggle mom-life, wife-life and work-life {sometimes not effectively}.

Honestly this list could go on. I have grown and expanded in ways I could never have imagined.

Revitalized Womanhood has had an incredible first year, and we're excited for what's to come.

Our community has grown into a powerful force for women's empowerment, and we're proud of the impact that we've had so far.

We want to thank all of our members for their support, dedication, and passion for women's empowerment and choosing to live lives full of purpose and impact rather than just letting life happen "to us".

We look forward to continuing to support each other in the years to come.

Here's to another year of growth, progress, and living intentionally! 🤟

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